The holder of the intellectual and industrial property rights and the party responsible for managing and processing the file containing the data collected via this website is: COMERCIAL ESTELLER, S.L, with registered offices in Alcanar (province of Tarragona), at carretera nacional 340 km. 1.61,5, with a Corporate Tax ID number of B-43111533, and entered in the Companies Registration Office of Tarragona. is the website of COMERCIAL ESTELLER, SL, by means of which it offers Internet users information about the company and the products .
COMERCIAL ESTELLER, SL takes no responsibility for the improper use of the content of this website by users, and it reserves the right to take appropriate legal action for the reparation of damages caused by its inappropriate or illegal use.
COMERCIAL ESTELLER ,SL reserves the right to deny access to this website, at any time and to any user, at its own discretion.
The intellectual and industrial property rights to all of the content of this website, are the exclusive property of , COMERCIAL ESTELLER, S.L except in those cases where another owner is expressly stated. Reproducing the content of this website, either fully or in part, by any means, is prohibited without express written authorization.
The exclusive purpose of the links on this website is to inform the user, in order to round out the content provided therein, and , COMERCIAL ESTELLER, S.L shall not be held liable for any faulty links or for the content of the other websites that they may be linked to.
The user shall be held solely liable for the infractions in which he or she may incur or for the damages he or she may cause by using this website.
As per what is stated in Organic Law 15/1999, the user is informed that his or her data shall be added to a data file belonging to, COMERCIAL ESTELLER, S.L in keeping with its corporate mission statement. The user authorizes COMERCIAL ESTELLER, S.L to use his or her personal data for commercial purposes, and may be sent advertising related to its products and services.
Whatever the case, the user shall have the right to access, modify and/or cancel his or her data, doing so in writing to the following address: COMERCIAL ESTELLER, S.L carretera nacional 340 km. 1.61,5 Alcanar 43530 (Tarragona).
The present conditions shall be governed by Spanish regulations, and the issues arising from their interpretation, application and enforcement, as well as any claims that may be derived from their use, shall be brought before the courts of Tarragona.